Friday 2 September 2011

Offering you some wisdom

I have decided to post some of my Skype conversations I have had with my friend, Alex Howley.
It'll give you a clear indication of just how deranged we can be. And I'd like to say inscrutable. I'd also like to say 'flump'. It's a nice word to say. Try it. Flump.
It's gold, man!! IT'S FUCKING GOLD!!!!

But before I post any of it, I will need to spend a while going through it and taking out anything that might expose my hatred or sexual feelings for some people.
Man, if my friends knew what I really thought of them...

Thursday 1 September 2011

There's a first time for everything.

Good morning/afternoon/evening,

And welcome to my blog.

I will keep this mildly straight laced to begin with and slowly show me to you as I get to grips with this whole thing.
I'll be honest, I have absolutely no idea what to write about. Well, that's a lie, I have a few things in mind, but I need to hone them and hopefully end up with a continuous theme (not theme, but something I can't think of an appropriate word for). Alternatively, if that doesn't work out, this blog will be a miscellany of topics, ranging from the arts, to my lousy bus journeys.
I ride the bus a lot.
This blog (why is blog got a squiggly red line under it? Does it need a capital B?) will not be entirely about my bus journeys. No-siree-bob (how would you write that?).
Just quickly, if you (the reader) don't know who I am and you're wondering what the heck is up with the name of my blog and my bus references - then let me explain, quickly: On Facebook I started making status updates, via the old mob, while on buses. Usually I was on a journey that was really, really pissing me off and I would rant about it. I started to do this a lot. And to my surprise, they became very popular with others on FB. I guess after a while, people saw the funny side to them. It's hard to explain - you'd needed have been a friend of mine on FB to get it.
They became very popular, in fact. Something so trivial, unoriginal and typical became the opposite. There's a saying that familiarity (so I suppose it's safe to say repetition, also) breeds contempt, but the complete antithesis occurred with these bus updates.
A special shout out to Daruis Davies Shojaee for his commitment to 'liking' and commenting on them - literally every one of them.
Anyway, I shall cease to drivel on. So, for now, I will keep the blog topical. I have a fervid interested in Art (visual), Film, Cartoons, Comedy, Football, Exercise, Travel, Bus Numbers and London Boroughs (various sports, but mainly football) and a general interest in a lot of stuff, so I am sure I will always find something to promote, praise, offer wisdom to, ridicule, malign, blah, blah, blah.
I will also promote other peoples work, should I feel it's deserving.
For now, dear readers, I bid you all peace of mind.